Category: Archive: Jan 2017

Why Increased Productivity Will Help Your Healthcare System in Organizational Changes

According to leadership interviews with the Harvard Business Review, healthcare executives are concerned about the future of their industry. As the United States transitions to a new Presidential administration and Congress, questions about where healthcare systems go from here are brought to the forefront. The consensus of the interviewed executives (associated with Vanderbilt, Johns Hopkins, Harvard, Virginia Commonwealth, and the University of Utah): the challenges will be both financially and managerial difficult. To succeed in transforming the healthcare system, it will be necessary that organizations develop new business models and undergo organizational changes. And this large undertaking…


What Is It Like to Have Alzheimer’s Disease?

Retired psychologist Richard Taylor, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at age 58. What is it like to drive your car from Houston to Anchorage? The answer depends on many things: the type of care you will drive, the age of the car, how well you maintained it, where you are in your trip, if others are helping you with the drive, if you have accepted the fact you must drive to Anchorage, whether or not you are afraid of arriving in Anchorage. What is it like to have Alzheimer’s? This, too, depends on many things: Do you have an existing group…