Category: Archive: Sep 2017

Hiring the Right People in Long-Term Care

Working in long-term care is not for everyone. I am sure I am not the only person who has experienced the “Oh” reaction when you meet someone for the first time and are asked what you do for a living.


“I Hate My Body Alarm:” Maintaining Safety and Dignity in Long-Term Care

Created by an administrator struggling to jump-start culture change in her care community, Through the Looking Glass is a unique program that changes staff attitudes and teaches the importance of person-centered care practices by placing staff directly in the shoes of residents—with remarkable results. Here, program creator Leslie Pedtke tells the story of her employee, Leah, who participated in the program, living as a resident with body alarms, and the weight of the lessons that experience taught her. This post was excerpted from What Living as a Resident Can Teach Long-Term Care Staff: The…


Bed-Related Injuries: The Dangers of Side Rails

Bed side rails are used extensively in hospitals, nursing facilities, and residential facilities to prevent those in their care from falling from their beds. However, side rails, rather than being protective against falls, actually can increase the risk of bed falls and injury. Many falls out of bed involve residents whose side rails are up. The number of falls and the number of fall injuries both increase when side rails are raised. Though bed side rails can contribute to falls and injury, when used properly, half- or quarter-length side rails can be employed as an assistive device to support residents…


CAREing About Falls

We know you’re committed to falls prevention. Use this educational poster to increase staff awareness of simple fall prevention strategies. Download this infographic Read the book! Falls in Older People Prevention & Management Fourth Edition By Rein Tideiksaar, Ph.D. Copyright © 2010 by Health Professions Press, Inc. Filled with practical strategies, assessment tools, and management practices, this award-winning falls management resource includes all the medical, rehabilitative, and environmental strategies needed in any care setting to protect the safety and health of at-risk older adults. Learn more…