Category: Archive: May 2018

The Differences Between Bullying and Challenging Behaviors in Long-Term Care

Older adults in long-term care Although many behaviors exhibited by older adults can be challenging, the situation in which behavior occurs and the type of behavior often determine whether it is actually bullying versus a challenging behavior whereby a resident is simply being rude or unpleasant. Key factors that define an incident as bullying include behaviors that: Are directed at a specific person or group of people Involve an imbalance of power or a desire to gain power Occur repeatedly in most cases As an example of a challenging behavior that does not meet the definition of bullying, consider and…


Is It Bullying?

Download this handy infographic that compares and contrasts elder abuse, bullying, nonbullying behaviors, and challenging behaviors. Read the book! Bullying Among Older Adults How to Recognize and Address an Unseen Epidemic By Robin P. Bonifas, Ph.D., M.S.W. Copyright © 2016 by Health Professions Press, Inc. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to recognize, intervene, and prevent resident-to-resident bullying in elder care. Learn more…


Getting Started with the Life Story

Respect, trust, humor, support—these are all things we share with our friends. We know our friend’s occupations, marital status, general interests, favorite foods, type of car, hobbies, and other details. We know their family history and traditions, likes and dislikes, even some of their secrets! We also know their strengths and weaknesses and understand their basic personalities. We know how to cheer them up when they are having a bad day, when to give advice (or not), and how to turn a no into a yes. Great dementia care can be rooted in something as simple as friendship. As we…


Questions that Enrich a Life Story

The Life Story in dementia care is a person’s right to be known and be among people who care. To help ensure that right, you need to learn a lot about the person and incorporate that into your everyday relationship. You can use this knowledge to bring up favorite memories and special achievements, provide cues, and take advantage of past preferences and interests. Life Story information enhances conversations, helps customize activities, allows us to better understand behavior, and helps us redirect with greater success. Play detective when writing a Life Story! Looking beneath the surface can pay many dividends in…


Tips to Lessen Your Risk of Choking

Even if you have swallowing challenges, eating foods you enjoy can lead to improved nutrition, desired body weight, and overall improved quality of life. Use this infographic for quick tips on minimizing your risk of choking. Download PDF Read the book! The Inside Scoop on Informed Choice A Step-by-Step Guide for Personalizing Diets in Long-Term Care By Diane Hall, NHA, RDLDN Copyright © 2018 by Balanced Senior Nutrition Support a person’s right to make personal food choices (while also meeting regulatory guidelines and reducing your liability) with this guide to creating person-centered meal plans…