Category: Archive: Feb 2020

Getting the Life Story into Daily Use

This post originally appeared on View it here. When we make friends, our stories come out slowly. As we get to know one another, we learn each other’s favorite foods and songs, pastimes and passions. But person’s with dementia, especially those who live in memory care, may not be able to recall or share their own stories. And their care partners may be juggling so many responsibilities that they don’t have the time to sit down and listen. This is why the Life Story matters. It summarizes the most important elements of a person’s life. With those…


Best Friends™ Approach Free Downloadable Materials

What is the Best Friends™ Approach? These 13 handouts are free for you to download and will introduce you to the Best Friends™ approach, a highly successful model for dementia care that puts the person first. Adopted world-wide, this easy-to-implement approach is built on the essential elements of friendship—respect, empathy, support, trust, and humor. Use these handouts to learn the foundations of this approach and how effortlessly it can be adopted in your organization. Visit the Best Friends Portal for more information and resources on this approach and its related products and training. 21 Ways to Sustain a Best Friends™…