Category: Healthcare Management & Administration

Inside the 7th Edition of Managing Health Services Organizations and Systems

Managing Health Services Organizations and Systems has served the educational and professional needs of the healthcare field over four decades. The seventh edition furthers that legacy in a completely revised and reorganized text that presents a comprehensive range of the knowledge and skills needed to effectively lead and manage health services delivery. Here is a breakdown of this new edition. The five chapters in Part I, “The Environment,” describe the setting and provide a context for delivery of services. Chapter 1, “Healthcare in the United States,” identifies and describes public and private entities, knowledge about which is the grounding for understanding, organizing, and…


Putting into Action Doing Better Together: Four How-Tos and a Self-Assessment

The blueprint for performance-based outcomes, A Long-Term Care Leader’s Guide to High Performance comes with a downloadable resource that shares how-to guides for four key areas in “attaining or maintaining the highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being” of your residents: Three Steps to Transforming the Medication Pass: Individualizing Care and Managing Workflow Rethinking the Use of Position-Change Alarms Eliminating Off-Label Use of Antipsychotics: A 10-Step Guide for Nursing Homes MUSIC & MEMORY℠: Implementation Steps to Maximize Benefits: A Nursing Home Leader’s Guide These are all win-win changes that benefit residents and staff. In this resource, Cathie Brady, David…


High-Performance Leadership: The Business Mandate

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is starting to use reimbursement to influence providers and improve nursing homes’ performance. Under their new regulations, reimbursement will be based on performance, not volume. With their reimbursement policy now aligning with “highest practicable well-being,” it is imperative that you have the people, systems, and processes in place to consistently catch issues early and act to keep residents safe. Here’s what you need to know about this new policy, and how you can be sure you’re meeting the requirements. Portions of this post were excerpted from A Long-Term Care Leader’s Guide…


Employment Interviewing Federal Guidelines INFOGRAPHIC

Read the book! Becoming an Effective Leader in Healthcare Management The 12 Essential Skills Second Edition By Len Sperry, M.D., Ph.D. Copyright © 2017 by Health Professions Press, Inc. Learn and master the 12 critical interpersonal, financial, and organizational healthcare management skills with this practical guide from a seasoned healthcare manager. Learn more…


5 Keys to Good Hiring

When it comes to retaining staff in long-term care, taking the time to hire the right people is paramount. Use the carpenter’s framework: “measure twice—cut once.”


Federal Guidelines in Employment Interviewing: What You Can and Cannot Ask

When interviewing potential employees, managers should frame questions and pose situational scenarios that are performance focused. But questions must follow federal guidelines as set out by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Any time a manager undertakes an employment interview, he or she must be certain about what can and cannot be asked and said in such pre-employment interviews. Below is a partial list of lines of inquiry that can and cannot be explored in such interviews. You CAN: Ask about previous employment including job performance But…


5 Strategies to Motivate Your Employees

These five strategies can guide managers in increasing motivation in their work units: Establish clear performance expectations The manager’s initial effort in increasing motivation should be to establish clear goals and expectations for employee and team performance. Research shows rather consistently that employees are more likely to own goals if they believe they have been sufficiently involved in the goal-setting process. Furthermore, these goals and expectations must be formulated in such a way that they are sufficiently specific and consistent and appropriately challenging for an employee or team. Facilitate outcomes by coaching and by removing obstacles to goal achievement After…