Category: Activities for Early, Middle, & Late Stage Dementia

Intergenerational Activities: Using the Best Friends Approach with Children

With the Best Friends™ approach, activities are more than just what’s on the calendar. Using Best Friends, almost everything can become an extended, interesting opportunity for engagement. A simple handshake can lead to a discussion about fingernail polish, gloves, work done by hand, “lifelines,” rings on fingers, promise rings, weddings, and more. A teapot can be enjoyed for its beauty, and discussions can follow about making tea, reading tea leaves, the different flavors of tea, and the Boston Tea Party. Because the bottom line of the Best Friends approach is to focus on the person rather than the task. In…


Montessori and Meaningful Engagement: Reclaiming Previous Roles

An elder or person with dementia still has the same needs as everyone else. The person wants to socialize, express desires, participate in hobbies, interact with family, be included in activities, teach and learn, and be asked for advice. The person has the same desires to contribute to the household or the community. The need to have purpose in one’s life and to be productive does not end once someone reaches a certain age, moves into a long-term care community, or receives a diagnosis of dementia. Think of all the roles you have in your everyday life. You are a…


Intergenerational Programming: Getting Started

Montessori in Elder Care People of older generations may have memories of standing at their grandmother’s side in the kitchen and baking bread or helping their grandfather plant the vegetable garden in the spring. Many of us have wonderful memories of growing up in an extended family. Today, however, young adults often move far away from their families to build careers or take advantage of other opportunities. As a result, they are raising families away from their parents and grandparents. The decline of the extended family support system means many children grow up disconnected from their grandparents and lacking the…


The Benefits of Gardens in Dementia Care

Saying “hello” to the outside world, for even a brief moment, is vital. The truth is, trips outside, whether to the garden at the home or to a nearby forest or nature trail, are beneficial for both the residents and the employees. It does us all good to get a little air and light, and being out in nature can remind our residents, and ourselves, of our connectedness to something greater than ourselves. I am not sure why so many people assume that working at a nursing home means staying indoors. Let people go outside; it is good for all…


Getting Started with Montessori Materials in Elder Care

Dr. Montessori designed an array of hands-on materials for every area of the curriculum: Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Math, Science, Geography, Culture, Art, and Music. Some of these materials can be used—or adapted for use—with elders. Whether using traditional  materials or creating your own, these manipulatives share common characteristics: progression from the concrete to the abstract, a control of error, and isolation of difficulty. Characteristics of Montessori Materials Concrete to Abstract, Simple to Complex In the classroom, Montessori materials provide concrete representations of abstract concepts. For example, the decimal system is made physical with golden beads, parts of speech are…


The Montessori Philosophy in Practice with Older Adults

Montessori philosophy, based on the principles of free choice and purposeful activity, has historically been focused on children’s education. However, its essential principles and practices are increasingly seen as critical to enhancing the lives of the older adults in our care. Central to both the Montessori philosophy and person-centered care are the core values of respect for the individual, the importance of knowing the person deeply, seeking and honoring the elder’s preferences over all aspects of his or her daily life, and creating a supportive environment that allows for continued participation in familiar and preferred activities, inside and outside. In…


“Choose One” Exercise for Enhancing Relationships

By Kathy Laurenhue, M.A., CHP “Choose One” is a way of learning something about the routines, preferences, and values of others by asking participants if they are more like A or B and following their answers with discussion. What follows is adapted from my book, Getting to Know the Life Stories of Older Adults. Let’s jump right in: Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? If I am your caregiver or teammate, your answer will give me a clue to when you are most alert, most likely to be at your best, and the optimum…


30 Dementia Care Activities During COVID-19

Dementia Care in the Time of COVID-19: 30 Activities That Can Be Done in 30 Seconds or Less Every interaction can create a moment of connection. This coronavirus-sensitive list offers just a few ideas for maintaining critical socialization and engagement in this time of crisis. Greet the person by his or her first name – Helps the person feel known; sometimes a first name is best Make eye contact and smile – From 6 feet away you can briefly lower your mask Tell someone he or she is loved – Reassuring words always help Give a sincere compliment…


Best Friends™ Approach Free Downloadable Materials

What is the Best Friends™ Approach? These 13 handouts are free for you to download and will introduce you to the Best Friends™ approach, a highly successful model for dementia care that puts the person first. Adopted world-wide, this easy-to-implement approach is built on the essential elements of friendship—respect, empathy, support, trust, and humor. Use these handouts to learn the foundations of this approach and how effortlessly it can be adopted in your organization. Visit the Best Friends Portal for more information and resources on this approach and its related products and training. 21 Ways to Sustain a Best Friends™…


The Benefits of Birds and Nature for People with Dementia

The healthcare community, urban planners, and government agencies are all acknowledging what researchers have been saying for decades: Green spaces can revitalize a person physically, psychologically, and socially. Environmental psychologist, Kathleen Wolf at the University of Washington has gathered more than 1,800 research papers spanning the past 40 years—most published in the last decade—that show that green spaces in cities can provide a number of benefits, including: faster healing; reduced ailments, such as high blood pressure and diabetes; increased coping and learning capacity; promotion of a sense of community and self-esteem; and, in some cases, reduced crime. Nature’s healing powers…