Resource Center

Serving Professionals in Aging and Elder Care

Social Isolation Risk Factors Checklist

Use this checklist to help you begin to identify seniors with potential risk factors for becoming socially isolated.

Social Isolation Risk Factors Checklist

Read the book!

Connecting with Socially Isolated Seniors

Connecting with Socially Isolated Seniors
A Service Provider’s Guide
By Patricia Osage, with Mary McCall, Ph.D.
Copyright © 2012 by Satellite Housing, Inc.

Learn to recognize the symptoms of social isolation and reach out to at-risk seniors with this useful guide.

Learn more


Kaitlin Konecke says

Yes, you are free to use this form! You can also access it in the book Connecting with Socially Isolated Seniors: A Service Provider's Guide. The book will assist you in recognizing social isolation, and provides ways to intervene and prevent it.

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