An elder or person with dementia still has the same needs as everyone else. The person wants to socialize, express…
Montessori in Elder Care People of older generations may have memories of standing at their grandmother’s side in the kitchen…
Dr. Montessori designed an array of hands-on materials for every area of the curriculum: Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Math, Science,…
Montessori philosophy, based on the principles of free choice and purposeful activity, has historically been focused on children’s education. However,…
Even if you have swallowing challenges, eating foods you enjoy can lead to improved nutrition, desired body weight, and overall…
Environmental interventions and modifications may require approval and/or funding to implement. When requesting funding from a supervisor or the administrator of…
Residents living in long-term care environments may need special environmental accommodations to ensure their safety. Personal and public spaces—such as bathrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, etc.—should be evaluated to address any potential problems in these spaces, and intervene as necessary.
Hearing is one of the first senses affected by the aging processes, and often makes communication more difficult, causing older…
By Guest Blogger Joan McKechnie, BSc, Hons Audiology & Speech Pathology from The estimates for people who are hard…
Learn how this proven memory-training strategy works: Read the book! Spaced Retrieval Step by Step An Evidence-Based Memory Intervention By…